The Power of Combined Therapy
The VitalStim® Therapy System is an adjunctive modality to traditional exercise that unites the power of electrical stimulation with the benefits of swallowing exercises. Combining VitalStim and traditional therapy allows clinicians to accelerate strengthening, restore function, and help the brain remap the swallow. Research supports the combination of these therapies to improve treatment outcomes.
Dysphagia - difficulty swallowing - is a debilitating condition that affects millions of patients. Learn more about the condition and about the potential benefit of VitalStim Therapy.
Health Professionals
VitalStim Therapy is the use of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in the treatment of dysphagia. Learn more about the science behind this promising modality and about the dynamics of the intervention.
About Us
The Chattanooga VitalStim products are owned by DJO.
Click here to learn more about DJO Global.